Eve Chosak, MFA

Ace Academic Coaching and Tutoring provides neurodivergent teens and young adults with empowering systems and tools to dramatically improve their learning, planning, and career development outcomes. We provide the tailored and comprehensive support you need in one place. Academic coaching is a relationship that supports personalized learning and accountability.

  • Subject Matter Tutoring

  • Executive Functioning Support

  • Essay Coaching

  • College Transition and Independence Coaching

  • Early Career Exploration

As a coach and tutor with ADHD, I relate to the hurdles many learners face. With key tools, students can achieve far beyond their expectations. Struggling learners turn D’s and F’s into A’s and B’s without working harder, unearth confidence, ace finals, nail college applications, and keep on track with academic and professional goals.

I offer premium services for individuals who want to invest in the value of a long term solution. Semester coaching packages offer comprehensive support, including subject matter tutoring, organization and planning strategies, detailed session notes and recommendations, study methods, accountability tools, self advocacy guidance, college and career success mentorship, and coordination with parents, school staff, outside support, and members of a student's learning team.